Raw Material Components

INNOVEN, is city’s one of the few integrated Ready Mix Concrete brand, having total control over entire production process, right from aggregate and sand produce at its own quarry.

Every concrete solution we produce is made using highest quality raw materials with BS882, BS1881 and SLS1 07 certification, continuously tested and sourced from trusted suppliers. Manufacturing is done in PLC controlled concrete mixing batching plants, equipped with state-of-the-art machinery. The superiority of the concrete thus produced is assured further, by following an ISO 9001 certified concrete batching process.

Our commitment to use cement only from National Brands like Birla Shakti, Vasavdatta Cement, the certified leaders of the cement market, is what assures INNOVEN Ready Mix Concrete consistent quality. This branded cement made with clinker especially designed for high rise buildings, including super-structures. This has enabled INNOVEN to successfully produce the ultra-high strength grades of Ready Mix Concrete available in Pune, such as Grade 43 & 53.

INNOVEN Ready Mix Concrete uses aggregate and sand produced from rocks at its own quarry. World remowned Sandvik brand make, stone crushing set up assures the aggregate with defined size and quality, ultimately helps concrete to maintain its quality. Manufactured sand and coarse aggregate also enables us to standardize the particle sizes to further optimize the mix. INNOVEN Ready Mix Concrete guarantees that sea sand is not used in any of our solution mixes, as it can compromise the quality and strength of the concrete.

Get in Touch with Innoven Infracon

Have questions or need ready-mixed concrete for your project? Our team is ready to assist you with customized solutions and timely delivery. Contact us today to get started!

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